class double_conv(nn.Module): '''(conv => BN => ReLU) * 2''' def __init__(self, in_ch, out_ch): super(double_conv, self).__init__() self.conv = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(in_ch, out_ch, 3, padding=1), nn.BatchNorm2d(out_ch), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.Conv2d(out_ch, out_ch, 3, padding=1), nn.BatchNorm2d(out_ch), nn.ReLU(inplace=True) ) def forward(self, x): x = self.conv(x) return x class inconv(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_ch, out_ch): super(inconv, self).__init__() self.conv = double_conv(in_ch, out_ch) def forward(self, x): x = self.conv(x) return x class down(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_ch, out_ch): super(down, self).__init__() self.mpconv = nn.Sequential( nn.MaxPool2d(2), double_conv(in_ch, out_ch) ) def forward(self, x): x = self.mpconv(x) return x class up(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_ch, out_ch, bilinear=True): super(up, self).__init__() # would be a nice idea if the upsampling could be learned too, # but my machine do not have enough memory to handle all those weights if bilinear: self.up = nn.Upsample(scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear', align_corners=True) else: self.up = nn.ConvTranspose2d(in_ch//2, in_ch//2, 2, stride=2) self.conv = double_conv(in_ch, out_ch) def forward(self, x1, x2): x1 = self.up(x1) diffX = x1.size()[2] - x2.size()[2] diffY = x1.size()[3] - x2.size()[3] x2 = F.pad(x2, (diffX // 2, int(diffX / 2), diffY // 2, int(diffY / 2))) x =[x2, x1], dim=1) x = self.conv(x) return x class outconv(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_ch, out_ch): super(outconv, self).__init__() self.conv = nn.Conv2d(in_ch, out_ch, 1) def forward(self, x): x = self.conv(x) return x class UNet(nn.Module): def __init__(self, n_channels, n_classes): super(UNet, self).__init__() = inconv(n_channels, 64) self.down1 = down(64, 128) self.down2 = down(128, 256) self.down3 = down(256, 512) self.down4 = down(512, 512) self.up1 = up(1024, 256) self.up2 = up(512, 128) self.up3 = up(256, 64) self.up4 = up(128, 64) self.outc = outconv(64, n_classes) def forward(self, x): x1 = x2 = self.down1(x1) x3 = self.down2(x2) x4 = self.down3(x3) x5 = self.down4(x4) x = self.up1(x5, x4) x = self.up2(x, x3) x = self.up3(x, x2) x = self.up4(x, x1) x = self.outc(x) return x
U-Net ネットワークの定義.py
Dice 係数を算出するクラスの定義を行います.
class DiceCoeff(Function): """Dice coeff for individual examples""" def forward(self, input, target): self.save_for_backward(input, target) eps = 0.0001 self.inter =, target.view(-1)) self.union = torch.sum(input) + torch.sum(target) + eps t = (2 * self.inter.float() + eps) / self.union.float() return t # This function has only a single output, so it gets only one gradient def backward(self, grad_output): input, target = self.saved_variables grad_input = grad_target = None if self.needs_input_grad[0]: grad_input = grad_output * 2 * (target * self.union + self.inter) \ / self.union * self.union if self.needs_input_grad[1]: grad_target = None return grad_input, grad_target def dice_coeff(input, target): """Dice coeff for batches""" if input.is_cuda: s = torch.FloatTensor(1).cuda().zero_() else: s = torch.FloatTensor(1).zero_() for i, c in enumerate(zip(input, target)): s = s + DiceCoeff().forward(c[0], c[1]) return s / (i + 1)
Dice 係数を算出するクラスを定義
net = UNet(n_channels=3, n_classes=1).cuda() optimizer = optim.SGD( net.parameters(), lr=0.1, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=0.0005 ) criterion = nn.BCELoss() for epoch in range(args['epoch']): train = get_img_mask(args, ids['train']) val = get_img_mask(args, ids['val']) #---- Train section epoch_loss = 0 for i, b in enumerate(batch(train, args['batch_size'])): img = np.array([i[0] for i in b]).astype(np.float32) mask = np.array([i[1] for i in b]) img = torch.from_numpy(img).cuda() mask = torch.from_numpy(mask).cuda() mask_flat = mask.view(-1) mask_pred = net(img) mask_prob = F.sigmoid(mask_pred) mask_prob_flat = mask_prob.view(-1) loss = criterion(mask_prob_flat, mask_flat) optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() epoch_loss += loss.item() if i%10 == 0: print('{}/{} ---- loss: {}'.format(i, int(len_train/args['batch_size']), loss.item())) print('Epoch finished ! Loss: {}'.format(epoch_loss / len_train)) #---- Val section val_dice = 0 for j, b in enumerate(val): img = torch.from_numpy(b[0]).unsqueeze(0).cuda() mask = torch.from_numpy(b[1]).unsqueeze(0).cuda() mask_pred = net(img)[0] mask_prob = F.sigmoid(mask_pred) mask_bin = (mask_prob > 0.5).float() val_dice += dice_coeff(mask_bin, mask).item() if j%10 == 0: print('val: {}/{}'.format(j, len_val)), '{}CP{}.pth'.format(args['dir_checkpoint'], epoch + 1)) print('Checkpoint {} saved !'.format(epoch + 1)) print('Validation Dice Coeff: {}'.format(val_dice / len_val))
file_img_test = os.listdir(args['dir_img_test']) random.shuffle(file_img_test) for i, file in enumerate(file_img_test): img_original =['dir_img_test']+file) img = img_original w = img.size[0] h = img.size[1] newW = int(w * args['scale']) newH = int(h * args['scale']) img = img.resize((newW, newH)) img = img.crop((0, 0, newW, newH)) img = np.array(img, dtype=np.float32) img = img / 255 img_left = img[:, :newH] img_right = img[:, -newH:] img_left = np.transpose(img_left, axes=[2, 0, 1]) img_right = np.transpose(img_right, axes=[2, 0, 1]) img_left = torch.from_numpy(img_left).unsqueeze(0).cuda() img_right = torch.from_numpy(img_right).unsqueeze(0).cuda() with torch.no_grad(): mask_left = net(img_left) mask_right = net(img_right) mask_prob_left = F.sigmoid(mask_left).squeeze(0) mask_prob_right = F.sigmoid(mask_right).squeeze(0) tf = transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToPILImage(), transforms.Resize(h), transforms.ToTensor() ]) mask_prob_left = tf(mask_prob_left.cpu()) mask_prob_right = tf(mask_prob_right.cpu()) mask_prob_left_np = mask_prob_left.squeeze().cpu().numpy() mask_prob_right_np = mask_prob_right.squeeze().cpu().numpy() mask_prob_np = np.zeros((h, w), np.float32) mask_prob_np[:, :w//2+1] = mask_prob_left_np[:, :w//2+1] mask_prob_np[:, w//2+1:] = mask_prob_right_np[:, -(w//2-1):] h = mask_prob_np.shape[0] w = mask_prob_np.shape[1] mask_prob_np = np.expand_dims(mask_prob_np, 0) mask_prob_np = np.append(1 - mask_prob_np, mask_prob_np, axis=0) d = dcrf.DenseCRF2D(w, h, 2) U = -np.log(mask_prob_np) U = U.reshape((2, -1)) U = np.ascontiguousarray(U) img = np.ascontiguousarray(np.array(img_original).astype(np.uint8)) d.setUnaryEnergy(U) d.addPairwiseGaussian(sxy=20, compat=3) d.addPairwiseBilateral(sxy=30, srgb=20, rgbim=img, compat=10) mask = d.inference(5) mask = np.argmax(np.array(mask), axis=0).reshape((h, w)) mask = mask_prob_np > args['threshold'] mask = Image.fromarray((mask[0] * 255).astype(np.uint8)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(27, 7)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(131) ax1.imshow(img_original) ax1.set_title('input', fontsize=28) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(132) ax2.imshow(mask) ax2.set_title('output', fontsize=28) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(133) ax3.imshow(img_original) ax3.imshow(mask, alpha=0.8) ax3.set_title('input and output', fontsize=28)
以下の結果が出力され,無事に U-Net が機能していることが分かります.