setwd(path) # bayesian_inference.stan のあるディレクトリに移動する.適当なpathを入力 writeLines(readLines("bayesian_inference.stan")) library(rstan) rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE) x <- c(49, 66, 69, 55, 54, 72, 51, 76, 40, 62, 66, 51, 59, 68, 66, 57, 53, 66, 58, 57) y <- c(41, 55, 21, 49, 53, 50, 52, 67, 54, 69, 57, 48, 31, 52, 56, 50, 46, 38, 62, 59) N_x <- length(x) N_y <- length(y) data <-list(N_x = N_x, N_y = N_y, x = x, y = y) model <- stan_model("bayesian_inference.stan") fit <- sampling(model, iter = 90000, chains = 4, data = data) print(fit) diff <- rstan::extract(fit)$diff (p <- sum(ifelse(diff > 0, 1, 0)) / length(diff)) plot(density(diff), xlim=c(-1, 20), ylim=c(0, 0.15), xlab="Difference between mean values of class X and class Y.", ylab="Density", col="black", main="", lwd=2) legend("topleft", legend="X組とY組の平均値の差の分布", lty=1, col="black", cex=0.8) mu_x <- rstan::extract(fit)$mu_x mu_y <- rstan::extract(fit)$mu_y plot(density(mu_x), xlim=c(40, 70), ylim=c(0, 0.2), xlab="Mean values in class X and class Y", ylab="Density", col="red", main="", lwd=2) par(new=T) plot(density(mu_y), xlim=c(40, 70), ylim=c(0, 0.2), xlab="", ylab="", col="blue", main="", lwd=2) legend("topleft", legend=c("X組の平均値の分布", "Y組の平均値の分布"), lty=c(1,1), col=c("red", "blue"), cex=0.8)